Monetizing AI in Design: Exploring the Potential of Stable Diffusion in Interior, Architecture, and Landscape Design

Unlocking Revenue Streams through AI Integration in the Design Industry

Discover how AI integration in design can lead to monetization opportunities, revolutionizing the industry and unlocking new revenue streams. Explore the potential of Stable Diffusion and its impact on interior, architecture, and landscape design.


Published Mar 12, 2024 • 12 minutes read

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In the age of AI advancement, designers are presented with an unprecedented opportunity to harness the immense capabilities of artificial intelligence to elevate the quality and efficiency of their work while also uncovering novel avenues for business growth. This article delves into the transformative potential of AI image generation within the realms of interior design, architecture, and landscape architecture. Moreover, it offers valuable insights into leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Stable Diffusion to unlock fresh business prospects within these industries.

Pain Points in the Design Process

Drawing from my experience as a former landscape architecture designer, I've encountered numerous inefficiencies, particularly in the early stages of the design process such as concept design and schematic design. While some may not view these challenges as significant issues due to their longstanding presence in the industry, the emergence of AI presents an opportunity to enhance the efficiency of these established processes. Similarly, interior and architecture design encounter comparable hurdles. Below, we dissect the primary pain points encountered in the design journey:

Design Communication

Effective communication between designers and clients remains a perennial challenge, particularly during the initial phases of design. For interior and residential landscape design, designers often grapple with the task of rapidly generating multiple design options for client selection and feedback. This iterative process involves extensive back-and-forth communication, wherein traditional mediums like hand drawings, 2D plans, and 3D models sometimes fail to adequately convey concepts to clients or facilitate swift modifications based on feedback.

Designers Meeting with Client, Generated by Stable Diffusion XL
Design Exploration

Prior to finalizing a design, designers engage in extensive exploration to uncover optimal solutions. This typically involves seeking inspiration from design references and adapting designs to align with existing spatial constraints and client preferences. However, this process is time-intensive and heavily reliant on the designer's expertise and creativity.

3D Rendering

The significance of 3D rendering cannot be overstated, particularly within architecture and interior design realms. Traditional approaches involve utilizing 3D modeling software such as SketchUp, Rhino, and 3ds Max to construct models, followed by rendering software like V-Ray, Lumion, and Enscape to produce final renderings. However, this process is resource-intensive, demanding both in terms of time and hardware requirements. Additionally, achieving high-quality renderings necessitates a wealth of skills and experience.

Functions of Stable Diffusion in Design

Stable Diffusion stands out as a powerful AI image generation model, capable of producing high-quality images from either text prompts or image references. These generated images possess a remarkable degree of realism and diversity, making them invaluable assets across various design applications. Below, we delve into the primary functionalities of Stable Diffusion within the design industry.

Stable Diffusion Official Website

This is the core function in Stable Diffusion. It facilitates the generation of images from users' textual descriptions. For instance, a designer can input a text description of a design concept, prompting Stable Diffusion to generate multiple design options accordingly. This significantly enhances the efficiency of the design exploration process, offering the designer a broader spectrum of choices. Moreover, it serves as a tool for effective design communication, enabling designers to iterate designs swiftly based on client feedback.

However, a notable drawback of this function is its reliance on highly detailed and accurate text descriptions. Consequently, the generated images may not precisely align with the designer's vision, as textual descriptions often lack comprehensive spatial context crucial for design. It's advisable to employ this function primarily in the early stages of design, utilizing the generated images as reference points for further exploration.


This function generates images based on user-provided image references. In contrast to the text-to-image function, it yields images that are more accurate in terms of spatial context, owing to the wealth of information contained within the image reference. For instance, a designer can input an existing interior photo alongside a textual description of the design concept. Subsequently, Stable Diffusion can generate multiple design options, drawing from both the image reference and user prompt. Much like the text-to-image function, this feature facilitates both design exploration and communication.

However, a drawback of the Image-to-Image function is its strong dependence on the image reference, potentially resulting in a lack of diversity among generated images. While Stable Diffusion offers parameters to adjust the diversity of outputs, doing so effectively requires considerable skill and experience. Additionally, this function is limited in its inability to introduce new elements into generated images, as the image reference remains fixed.

Interior Rendering, Generated by Stable Diffusion XL
ControlNet (Advanced)

ControlNet emerges as a solution to the limitations of Stable Diffusion models and their variations in generating controllable images. While these original models excel at producing novel images, they often lack control over the generated results. Although Img2Img offers some control over style, it may still result in significant variations in pose and object structure in the final image. ControlNet addresses this issue by employing a Stable Diffusion-based neural network for image generation. It introduces new methods of conditioning input images and prompts, enabling precise control over various aspects of the final image such as pose, edge detection, depth maps, and more.

Undoubtedly, ControlNet proves to be an ideal tool for 3D rendering in design, offering precise control over object structure. Unlike the image-to-image function, ControlNet can completely alter the style of generated images while maintaining the spatial structure of the input image. For instance, by inputting a screenshot of an existing draft 3D building model alongside a text description of the desired design style, ControlNet can produce fully rendered images of the styled building model. Consequently, this function significantly enhances the efficiency of the 3D rendering process, providing designers with high-quality rendering images.

Inpaint & Sketch (Advanced)

While all the above functions excel at generating new images, what if a designer needs to add or remove elements from existing images? The Inpaint & Sketch function offers a solution to this dilemma. By indicating the desired changes on the existing images through painting and instructions, Stable Diffusion can generate modified images accordingly. For instance, suppose an interior designer wishes to add a table to an existing interior photo. Utilizing this function, the designer can delineate the area where the table will be placed along with specific color and placement instructions. Subsequently, Stable Diffusion can generate new images seamlessly integrating the table as envisioned. Similarly, this function facilitates removal tasks, such as eliminating a wall from an existing interior photo to reveal the view outside the window. Notably, the Inpaint & Sketch function proves invaluable for design communication and refinement of 3D renderings.

New Business Opportunities

Having explored the challenges within the design process and the transformative role of Stable Diffusion in addressing them, it's evident that this technology harbors immense potential for spawning fresh business opportunities within the design industry. Below, we present unique perspectives on leveraging Stable Diffusion to unlock new avenues for business growth.

AI Rendering Service / Platform

The conventional 3D rendering process is both time-consuming and resource-intensive, demanding a wealth of skills and experience to yield high-quality results. Stable Diffusion presents a revolutionary solution, enhancing the efficiency of 3D rendering and furnishing designers with top-tier rendering images. The concept behind this business venture is to offer an AI rendering service to fellow designers or firms, charging for rendered images or subscriptions. The key advantage of such a service lies in its ability to swiftly deliver high-quality rendering images at a fraction of the traditional cost and time investment, catering to diverse design needs.

Architecture Rendering, Generated by Stable Diffusion XL
Paint-to-Design Platform / App

The Inpaint & Sketch function facilitates the addition or removal of elements in existing images. The concept behind this business is to offer a platform or app enabling users to paint specific areas they wish to modify on existing images, along with instructions, and then generate new images reflecting those changes. This versatile platform/app caters to various design domains, including interior design, architecture, and landscape design. Its primary advantage lies in its ability to furnish users with high-quality images embodying their desired alterations, serving diverse design needs and audiences.

AI 2D Concept Generation Platform

2D drawings play a pivotal role in design communication and exploration. Leveraging the Image-to-Image function, we can seamlessly generate a wide array of 2D concept plans derived from existing site or floor plans. The core concept of this business is to offer a platform enabling users to input their site or floor plans and effortlessly generate multiple 2D concept plans based on the input. This versatile platform caters to a variety of design applications, including landscape design, architecture, and urban planning. The platform's key advantage lies in its ability to swiftly furnish users with a diverse range of 2D concept plan options, streamlining the design process. Furthermore, its versatility makes it suitable for various design needs and audiences.

AI Image Generation Tutorial Videos

As AI continues to shape the landscape of the design industry, many designers seek to harness the potential of AI Image Generation Tools such as Stable Diffusion to enhance their design processes. The concept behind this business is to offer tutorial videos that provide comprehensive guidance on utilizing AI Image Generation Tools for diverse design objectives, including design communication, exploration, and 3D rendering. These tutorial videos can be marketed as standalone courses or through subscription models.

AI Image Generation Tutorial Video on Udemy


In conclusion, the integration of AI, particularly through powerful models like Stable Diffusion, presents significant opportunities for revolutionizing the design industry. By addressing longstanding pain points such as inefficient communication, exploration, and rendering processes, AI offers designers new avenues for creativity, efficiency, and business growth.

Through functionalities like text-to-image and image-to-image generation, Stable Diffusion facilitates rapid design exploration and enhances communication between designers and clients. Additionally, advanced features like ControlNet enable precise control over generated images, improving the quality and efficiency of 3D rendering.

Landscape Rendering, Generated by Stable Diffusion XL

These advancements not only streamline existing design processes but also pave the way for innovative business models. From AI rendering services to platforms facilitating paint-to-design transformations and AI-driven concept generation, the potential for new ventures is vast. Furthermore, the rising demand for AI integration in design practice opens opportunities for educational initiatives, such as tutorial videos, catering to designers seeking to leverage AI tools effectively.

As the design industry embraces AI, businesses that harness the power of models like Stable Diffusion stand to thrive, offering enhanced services, greater efficiency, and expanded creative possibilities. Through these advancements, AI is poised to shape the future of design, unlocking new avenues for innovation and growth.